Alumni of University of Otago in America, Inc
AUOA is a non-profit, nonpartisan organization that enables US-based Otago alumni to network, support each other, and contribute financially to the University of Otago to fund initiatives that help us achieve our vision. Our organization is dedicated to supporting worldly, innovative, forward thinking, caring, and compassionate people who wish to question everything and find answers that contribute to a healthier, happier, and more peaceful world.
recent Alumni events
To date, AUOA has hosted two 2023 Otago Alumni Events
Boston - Wednesday March 29th, 2023 at WorkBar, Boylston Street, Boston
Washington DC - Thursday April 13th 2023 at the NZ Embassy, Observatory Circle, Washington DC
Current auoa student awards and research funds
Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer (HDGC) Research & Endowment Fund - The HDGC Research & Endowment Fund was established in 2017 with the generous support of Karen Chelcun. This fund will support sustained cancer research that is focused on the inherited cancer syndrome 'Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer'. Donate Now
The Sir Murray F Brennan Fund - In honor of one of our most distinguished alumni this fund will support the University of Otago rowing club and medical school students who row for the University of Otago. Donate Now
university of otago foundation trust
The University of Otago Foundation Trust is committed to sustaining a culture of excellence, supporting world-class research, teaching, and scholarship across the University. By contributing to the University of Otago you become part of the tradition of philanthropy, enabling staff and students to achieve their full potential, and to make meaningful contributions to our local, national, and international communities.